
How To Make Your Articles Easier To Read

11/13/2022 12:00 AM by Admin in A guide

How To Make Your Articles Easier To Read


If you make your writing clear, concise, and enjoyable to read, you might even like writing articles. There is a glut of stuff vying for people's attention in the internet age. Easy-to-read articles are clear and concise, simple to comprehend, and may skim fast. It's important because most people only spend a few seconds on an article before deciding whether or not to read it.


Making your articles easy to read makes them more likely to be shared. If people can understand and appreciate your article, they're more likely to share it with friends and followers. It will increase your audience and aids in establishing your credibility as a reliable information source.


Why Make Your Articles Easier To Read


Make your articles easier to read by breaking them down into sections. People scan content, so writing in sections will force them to break your writing down into smaller chunks and make it easier for readers to comprehend your main points. Using sections in your articles can increase your readers' comprehension by up to 12%.


Making your articles easier is essential to attracting readers and driving qualified traffic to your site. People often have trouble reading from a screen, so making them easier to read is essential for a higher conversion rate and repeat traffic. The good news is that improving readability is relatively easy to accomplish. Four tips that can help you write articles that are easier to read:


The Basics: Use Short Sentences And Paragraphs, And Break Up Text With Subheadings

A well-structured article can be more enjoyable to read. First, identify the main idea of each paragraph; this is also known as the topic. A good strategy for identifying a topic is to ask yourself repeatedly, "What is this about?" Look for words that repeat. Most of the time, you'll find the answer in just a few words.


Using short sentences is another key to creating a solid storyline. It will keep the reader's attention and allow them to understand the storyline without breaking their train of thought. It will also avoid confusing verb tenses and help reach the largest audience.


Paragraph length varies based on the topic of your article and your approach to writing paragraphs. Generally, a paragraph should be between three and five sentences. However, a one-sentence paragraph is acceptable and often welcomed when combined with a long paragraph.


Ensure that your paragraphs contain a topic sentence that sums up the main idea of a paragraph. A topic sentence can be at a paragraph's beginning, middle, or end. A good rule of thumb is to place a topic sentence near the beginning.


Use Simple Language: Avoid Jargon And Technical Terms.

One of the first steps to making your articles easier is avoiding jargon and technical terms. Though these words may seem like they're common sense, they impede the understanding of non-technical audiences. You can avoid confusing readers by skimming your articles and defining jargon terms before using them.


Jargon is a collection of words with specialized meanings. For instance, aerospace engineers may be comfortable talking about albedo and ailerons, but an auto detailer might have trouble understanding them. In other words, every subculture has its language.


When writing a technical document, authors often use obscure terms and language. They may think that everyone in their industry understands what they're saying, but they forget that most people don't. You can make your writing too complicated and confusing. Furthermore, it makes you sound like you're trying to show off your knowledge.


When writing about a product or service, a good rule is to separate details from benefits. A customer won't care about a spec if they can't relate to it, so separate the two. Instead, focus on the benefits and how they'll benefit your customers. A good example is the "1,000 songs in your pocket" slogan that Apple famously used for the iPod.


Be Clear And Concise: Get To The Point Quickly.

If you want your articles to be easier to read, you should always be clear and concise. A well-written article can inspire readers to respond favorably. In writing, the right words can either enhance or detract from the piece's meaning. As Paul Anderson notes, a good rule of thumb is to use simple, easy-to-understand words.


The best way to learn to write clearly and concisely is to practice. There are a variety of exercises online that can help you hone your writing style and reduce wordiness. Learn how to revise your sentences and avoid dead wood, making your articles easier to read and more effective.


Remember to keep your text as brief as possible when writing for the web. Remember that many web readers skim through articles before reading them, so long paragraphs and convoluted sentences can turn them off. Keep your writing simple and direct by cutting out unnecessary information and focusing on the main ideas. Always proofread your work to ensure that it's as straightforward as possible.


Whether your target audience is a novice or an expert, avoiding interruptions will help your articles be easier to read. Remember to be clear and concise about your target audience and place additional details in separate layers of your content. When writing articles for experts, focus on your target audience first and keep adding details to a minimum.


Engage Your Reader: Use Active Voice & Strong Verbs.

Active verbs create a solid visual in the reader's mind. In a story, a strong verb can create a mood or scene for the reader, which makes the story more memorable and more likely to make a reader want to read the next chapter or buy the book. In an article, an active verb can create a similar mood and make your article easier to read.


Active voice conveys a firm tone, while passive voice can appear weak or confusing. Active voice helps establish authority and establish bonds with your readers, which can lead to higher conversion rates and more paying clients. Active language also allows you to say more in fewer words than passive language.


Use active voice & strong verbs to make articles easier to read and understand by emphasizing who is doing the action. It should improve the flow of your work and make it simpler to foresee what will happen. Passive voice is commonly referred to as "fluff" and often confuses, but it can be helpful in some cases. Unlike passive voice, active voice uses more superficial sentence structures that make it easier to control information and keep readers engaged.


Use active voice to describe actions and encourage the reader to take action. To make your writing more impactful and encourage your readers to take action. Nike uses active voice to make its writing more effective and engaging. It has made their articles more popular, profitable, and easy to follow.



In conclusion

Making your articles easier to read is essential for a few reasons:

  1. It allows more people to access your content.
  2. It keeps people engaged with your writing.
  3. It helps build your brand and reputation as a thought leader in your industry.

So take the time to structure your articles in a way that is easy for your readers to digest. In the end, it will be worthwhile.