
Are These Beginner SEO Errors Harming Your Search Rankings?

11/16/2022 5:00 PM by Admin in A guide

Are These Beginner SEO Errors Harming Your Search Rankings?


Avoid these amateur SEO mistakes to protect search rankings, such as optimizing your website for the wrong keywords and producing comparable doorway pages. Marketers can achieve top results by using SEO to raise their websites' position in Google's search engine results pages. However, there are specific basic SEO errors to avoid when performing SEO. Marketers risk damaging their reputation and search ranking if they make any of these errors. Seven common errors that you must avoid are listed below.



Optimizing Your Website For The Incorrect Keywords

Selecting the appropriate keywords to enhance your website is the first step in any search engine optimization effort. Choosing the wrong keywords in the first place will waste all the time and effort you put into getting your site to rank well. What good is your top ranking if you choose a keyword that no one is searching for or doesn't bring targeted traffic to your site? There are some warning signs that you may be among these are:

  1. A little to non-existent organic visibility 
  2. generating a lot of impressions yet getting few click-throughs 
  3. having a short time on the page or a high bounce rate 

According to Neil Patel, an SEO expert, if you approach optimizing site content for every term you can think of, you probably won't do much better than score well. 

Even worse, a high bounce rate will result from people who eventually arrive at your website via a search engine leaving without performing the activity you want them to. Remembering to optimize your website's content for pertinent keywords will positively impact your search engine rankings.


Using An Excessive Number Of Keywords In The Meta Keywords Tag

Nothing is more untrue than when websites have hundreds of phrases listed in the meta keywords area to rank highly for particular keywords. Contrary to popular belief, the meta keywords element no longer serves much of a purpose regarding search engine positioning. Google does not directly incorporate keyword meta tags into its results. 


Therefore, you will never be able to achieve a high rating simply by entering keywords in the meta keywords tag. Since your search engine ranking has nothing to do with the terms you place into a Meta tag. You must naturally incorporate the keywords into the page's entire body text if you want to rank highly for those phrases.



Using The Same Word Too Frequently

Repeating your target keywords in the body of your pages and your meta keyword tags continuously is another typical mistake people make. The search engines keep a close eye out for this strategy because so many people have used it in the past (and still use it), and they may punish a site that uses it. Yes, you do need to use the terms repeatedly. However, the placement of the keywords on your pages must be grammatically correct. It is no longer enough to keep repeating the keywords. Additionally, in your Meta Keywords tag, a particular keyword should ideally not appear more than three times.



Making A Bunch Of Similar Pages

Another common misconception is that since each search engine's algorithm is unique, users must construct unique pages for each search engine. Although this is a terrific idea, it has the opposite effect. This approach will produce hundreds of pages quickly, which can easily become an administrative nightmare. Additionally, consider the time you will need to invest in upgrading the sites regularly to reflect changes that the search engines will make to their algorithms. 


Furthermore, even though the pages are for various engines, they will look similar. When a site creates similar pages, search engines are frequently able to recognize it and may punish or even remove the site from their index. Therefore, design a single page optimized for a single term for all search engines rather than different sites for various search engines.


The Using Of Hidden Text

Hidden text is the same color as your page's background. For instance, suppose your page's backdrop is white, and you've added white text as a black-hat SEO technique.


To get high rankings in search engines, many webmasters try to make their pages as keyword-rich as possible. A maximum number of times a keyword can appear on a page without making it seem strange to your human visitors. To prevent human visitors from interpreting the text as strange while maintaining a keyword-rich page, many webmasters add text with the same color as the backdrop. Doing this ensures that only search engines may see the terms rather than actual site users.



Search engines have long since become aware of this strategy and now either ignore or punish pages with comparable text. If even one page on that site has such concealed text, they might also punish the entire website. The issue with this, though, is that search engines frequently punish websites with intentions other than using hidden content.


Consider a page with a white backdrop and a table with a black background, for example. Let's say you put some white text on that table as well. Your human visitors will be able to see this text; thus, it should refer to it as something other than hidden text. However, because they frequently disregard the fact that the table's background is black, search engines can view this as concealed text. Therefore, to avoid having your site punished, you should review every page to check whether you accidentally made any errors of this nature.



 Investing Excessive Time In SEO

People also frequently waste too much time on search engine optimization, which is another typical error. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the most economical approach to increasing website traffic. It would be best if you dedicated daily time to understanding how search engines operate and optimizing your website for them.


SEO is a means to an end for you; it is not the end in and of itself, so keep that in mind. Increasing the sales of your goods and services is the goal. As a result, in addition to increasing your website's ranking in search engines, you must also pay attention to every other factor that can make or break your website. Such as the caliber of the goods and services you provide, the caliber of your content, and so on.


Even if you have top search engine rankings, they will only help you a little if your goods and services are of good quality or if you provide SEO material of the highest caliber.



The Use Of Page Cloaking

Google's webmaster guidelines forbid Cloaking, which is as follows:

"Cloaking refers to presenting different content or URLs to users and search engines. Serving up different results based on user agents may cause your site to be perceived as deceptive and removed from the Google index". Many content writers generally use page cloaking for two reasons:


  • Keep the source code of their search engine-optimized pages hidden from their competitors.
  • To avoid forcing human visitors to view a website that appeals to search engines but may not necessarily appeal to humans.


The issue with this is that when a website employs Cloaking, search engines can't spider the exact page people will see. And if the search engines cannot do this, they can no longer be confident that they are giving their users relevant results. So, if a search engine learns that a site has employed Cloaking, it will likely permanently remove it from its index. 


Therefore, the recommendation is to refrain from employing cloaking on your website. If you are already using cloaking and getting away with it, you may need to be vigilant.






If you are a beginner at SEO, it is crucial to be aware of the common errors that could harm your search ranking. You can improve your ranking and visibility on search engines by avoiding these mistakes.